November 12, 2006

Doomed, the sequel.....

So, was he doomed from the start? Several avenues await our exploration.

One such street sign may indicate for us a community that resides within the idea that all of the disciples were doomed from the beginning. For all had the capacity to reject and turn away at a moments notice. Alas, Judas, through a series of circumstances and events became the one who would betray Jesus. All were chosen to be disciples; eleven were chosen for glory and one was passed over. How do we deal with that? How do we deal with the portion of scripture that might suggest this?

“I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction”

Another such street sign might point for us a way into a community which says that Jesus chose the twelve with a full knowledge that one of them would be the betrayer. However, as to whom in particular it would be Jesus did not know until the moment of truth. This might fit well with our consciences but what about the concept that being fully God would mean that Jesus would be omniscient? (all-knowing)

"But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts?"

"But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites?"

"But Jesus, aware of their inner thoughts, took a little child and put it by his side,"

"Then Jesus, knowing all that was to happen to him, came forward and asked them, “Whom are you looking for?”

Still a third avenue open for discussion would be one that reveals a community that believes in the idea that Jesus in his choosing of the twelve, chose Judas because Jesus already knew that Judas was the one appointed by the Father. Judas’ heart would be hardened by his experiences with Jesus and God would not allow Judas’ eyes to be opened. This option seems to grate against our sense of equality. Why would God harden Judas’ heart? This hardening might suggest an activity of God that seems contradictory to His very nature. Yet, other areas of scripture reveal for us a sense of God’s active participation in the hardening of hearts.

Pharaoh.....King Saul......

"For it was the Lord’s doing to harden their hearts so that they would come against Israel in battle, in order that they might be utterly destroyed, and might receive no mercy, but be exterminated, just as the Lord had commanded Moses."

So, the wrestling continues. The questions, open ended. Scripture, always right. Forever true. Our hearts melt within us as we seek to understand the deeper things of our faith. Do we stand in awe or to our knees do we fall? Do we sing hallelujah or are able to speak at all? Doomed from the start? Maybe, maybe not. But could the answer lie within all three avenues? Salvation, by the grace of God alone – through the faith of men alone.


October 16, 2006

Doomed from the Start?

Sometimes there are those moments in life when we look upon an event and say to ourselves, ‘they never had a chance’. Whether it is a sports team outmatched by their opponent, a small fishing boat sinking in a harsh winter storm or a locust infested field. We tend to look at the two sides and think, ‘where is the balance?’, ‘I can’t believe it happens this way’, and so on.

Deep inside I think we all crave balance. We all crave fairness and equality. We fight for the freedom of our wills and the right to exercise options. And most would not only fight for their own sense of balance but also for those whom might not be able to fight for themselves.

What do we do when we see events that, from our perspective, seem unfair? How do we react when someone is left out? Do we look back and wonder why? Do we continue on our way without a second thought?

Consider a man who was, through no application of his own, one of the twelve. We presume that he was somewhat religious. We presume that he saw something in the man from Galilee that made him think about change. Inner change. Social change. Economic change. Political change. Maybe he was an opportunist. Maybe he was a curious onlooker. One thing is for certain. When he was standing in a crowd of men and women, the Galilean picked him.

“…and chose from them twelve…”

And we know the rest of the story. He followed. He listened. Then certain issues began to creep out of him.

“Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?”

Noble, but read on…

“He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief.”

And so our minds begin to change. The man chosen becomes a man who chooses. And we might confidently say that he turned his back on the Word. He is the one who passed over the opportunity for change. Maybe he could only foresee a change in his world. Not the world. And we write him off.

Then we come to a most interesting crossroad. We are allowed a glimpse into one of the most intimate of conversations. Jesus of Nazareth praying to the Father.

“While I was with them I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled”

That’s right. Jesus guarded all of them but one. Not one of them has been lost, except one.

Hearts stop. Breathing becomes silent. We re-read. Pause. Once more, “…not one of them has been lost except the one…”.

Was Judas doomed from the beginning? Was he chosen because it was determined that he would be the one to betray? Couldn’t they all have been able to betray?

More to follow…

July 26, 2006

you want it, you got it

Well, thanks to all who participated in the contest. The winner was my wife. (did you think it would really be you? if it was then I would have to bake two cheese cakes!) You can now visit this link and find my rantings elsewhere. As for this blog, it will return to it's regular content. I hope you're happy. Until then...

July 19, 2006


Hey, while talking about my new blog with my wife a great idea came to my mind. Why not have a contest to see who can come up with the most creative yet accurate (and may I say PG) name for my blog. You have one week to respond. The winner will recieve a double chocolate cheescake baked by me. (my wife just gasped). Good Luck.

ps. for those of you who are known to us yet are lacking in the blog posting dept., you can call us, email us or write us your entry. Please limit your entry to three submissions. Happy hunting.


Well, apparently some people have been suffering through my rants on this blog post and wondering how they relate to Sola Fide, Sola Gratis, Sola Scriptura. Well, suffer no more. This blog will return to it's regular posting of faith and life and thought and you can read the rants on my new blog. (I can't believe that I am going to have two blogs - I'm such a freak) Unfortunately, I'm following in my Irish, German, Scottish and Canadian roots and can't decide what the new blog will be named. I'll post it soon. (or later, given the consistency of my blogging lately). Until then...

July 11, 2006

Fight Back

Ok. So here’s the thing. I was listening to the radio today during my day at work and the topic of “tipping those who serve you” came up. And I had to reflect on those whom had served me today and I had to ask the question, “who really cares?”

Should I tip everyone that serves me? I was in the wholesaler’s office today. He helped me with my order. He was courteous and good natured (probably because he didn’t want me to reach over the counter and strangle him) but should I have tipped the man for doing his job? And what about the clerk at 7-11? He helped me. Helped me understand that a hot dog and slurpee are cheaper if you buy it in a combo. He even smiled when I gave him the exact change. But deep inside was he resentful that I didn’t dig a little deeper and throw some more denarii his way – just for doing what we all expect 7-11 clerks to do? Oh, and lets not forget about the guy at the gas bar. After spending a fortune of the company’s money to fill my gigantic work van, this guy filled my cup with coffee. Smiled at me and even said “you’re welcome!” (all behind his bullet proof encased cubical that only had enough room for him, a pot of coffee and a dozen bags of stale potato chips. If this guy sneezes he’s got no chance at avoiding the vortex of wind that will rebound off the 2 inch thick glass. And that’s just the glass on his prescription eyewear. But the question needs to be asked. Do I need to tip every freakin’ person who helps me out? Do I get tipped if I go the extra mile and wipe down the counter tops after plunging some guys toilet? I just don’t understand how people have come to expect that people will tip. It’s like people will take jobs in the restaurant business at a lower wage because the tips are great. Well here’s a thought – what if people decided to tip lower or even better – not at all. Would you still be happy with your job? Would you be content that you have done your job, the job people expect you to do when you serve them, and receive nothing in return?

It’s almost every cotton pickin’ place I go into has this little tip jar, karma kup, gratuity bowl or something else that is intended to make you feel pity or shame if you don’t put something in there. Well it’s time to fight back. Its time to say ‘no’ to the pressure of giving in to the thought that we should tip just because it’s the Canadian thing to do. Here’s an idea, if you want a gratuity, do something for it. Don’t expect it. Earn it. And if you don’t receive one, well maybe you should think about that for a minute. At least until the next sucker comes in and sits down at your table. What’s on special today?

April 21, 2006

You Can Do It...?

Home Depot. You can do it, and we can’t help. I can’t believe the freakin huge conglomerate called Home Depot has little or no selection when it comes the very things that made them so successful. I’m ranting about the fact that when I want to get information and pricing details on a certain band saw this freakin store only has two options. So, I go and look anyway. When I walk into the crib area there’s no one around to talk to. Shocking. Hey here’s an idea let’s put every available “Home Depot Rep” in the gardening or toilet paper section because that’s where all the people really shop anyway. After searching through the tool crib to find what I’m looking for there’s only two options. The first one is the top of the line 500 freakin dollar, 200lb saw that only a school, fab shop or a prison is going to buy. My second option? Hoping to find a step down from the hernia maker I’m hoping (and the key word here is hoping) to find a saw in the 200-250 dollar range that’s suitable for a garage. And what do you think I find? Fischer Price has invaded Home Depot. The saw is brightly colored ,plastic covered and is priced @ $98.00 and weighs in @ 90lbs! Give me a break. I guess it serves me right to think that a warehouse type franchise monster like Home Depot would want to spare the square footage to actually store tools that matter. And forget about complaining to anyone. The only way I could complain would be to go outside to the Allan block center, make my way through the manure bags, and the 400 freaking gallon planters, catch a seminar on weed eaters and hopefully (there’s that word again) talk to someone before they run off on their break or shift change or smoke break or whatever Home Depot people do when they’re not actually on the floor. Maybe I’ll go to the toilet paper section next time.

February 24, 2006

Skating with freakin' Celebrities

I sat down to watch a show that I have come to find pretty funny and what show comes on instead? Skating with Celebrities! What a stupid show, I can’t believe that someone actually thought (or maybe they didn’t) about teaming up ex Olympic caliber figure skaters with washed up and who really cares anyway, ex-t.v. celebrities and oh don’t forget about Bruce freakin’ Jenner. I mean what a dumb show. As you can tell I’m not a real fan of figure skating to begin with but this show has totally turned me off from any hope of trying to figure out what a sow-cow is or a triple axle whatever really is. And to add to the pile, one of the male ex-figure skaters has been caught cheating on his wife with the partner that this stupid show teamed him up with. Now there’s something for the ratings! Before you cry me a river about how the show is so great and condemn me for not even giving it a chance, I have watched two episodes that almost gave me episodes. I can’t believe the rip off attempt that this show has been employing. Can we please break away from the “American Idol” panel of judges? Can we not think of any better system of judging than trying to match personalities? If I was that Simon guy I’d be pretty ticked off that people are trying to cash in on my style. And have you seen Bruce Jenner? The guys a walking plastic surgery ad. And the people still treat him like he just won the decathlon last year! People, he won it twenty years ago! Get over it. Are you that desperate for champions that you have to hold onto the guy for this long? Give me a break. This show has done nothing to try and convince me that figure skating is hard work. What about a biography on some current skaters and what they have to go through every day.A show that would open up the inside story on all the sacrifice and dedication and pain and tears and triumphs that the sport grinds you through – from when you’re a three old learning how to skate without cutting your fingers off to the Olympic stage where you’re trying not to throw up because you’ve got the world country on your back. Oh yeah I forgot, there’s no ratings in that. I guess it isn’t a coincidence either that Entertainment Tonight had Tanya Harding on their show during the middle of this freakin’ show. What a joke. And you know what the worst part of it is? Besides the fact that they bumped a show that I like, beside the fact that they ran this show as a re-run so we could watch the gut-wrenching tension all over again, and beside the fact that this show is dumb, do you know what the really big joke is? It’s that we watch it in the first place. We just sit on our couch and suck it all in. I think I’d rather go to the dentist. Pass me the Novocain with the remote.

January 21, 2006


As I am looking out my home office window I reflect upon the issue of timing. How is it things happen when they do? How is it that we can spend hours planning and strategizing and visioning and yet have so little control over the issue of timing? Sports teams refer to the second half of their season as “gearing up” for the playoffs. Like the first half of the season was just for fun and doesn’t really count. Golfers refer to the issue of timing as a series of events starting from the moment they walk onto the first tee box until the last putt at 18. My good friend the mechanic refers to timing in the sense of performance and endurance. But is this all there is in regards to timing? Is timing an issue that we can control, manipulate or even generate? Timing. Working so hard to achieve the magnificent all the while hoping that your timing is right.

I continue to look out my window and think about other issues surrounding timing.

When will my kids come screaming into my office looking for adoration and acceptance?

When will my phone ring with someone trying to pry my vote?

When will my wife come in looking for an answer as to why lunch cost me $15.00?

When will Jesus come back?

When will the children of God start taking seriously the word of God?

When will the church burn bright in this darkened world?

When will I decide to be a difference maker in my world?

When will I decide to let go of my need for the control of timing and allow my God to show me His timing?

I watched a segment of a conference where the once up and coming leader of a video production company rose from the obscure to the national scene only to watch his 14+ years of blood sweat and tears come to an end. Was it because of his lack of endurance? Was it because of his lack of performance? Was it because of his failure to strategize, plan and vision cast? No. He was successful in all these variables. What happened was that his dream and his timing became more important to him than his God. His work for God became his motivation for living and ministry. And God called him to task.

“Is your dream more important to you than I am?” What a gut check.

The speaker quoted CS Lewis…”the man who has everything and God is no better off than the man who has only God.”

But how does this tie into the idea of timing? Let me attempt to answer.

When we are searching for God’s will for our lives we have a tendency to try to control the timing. We might pray for action, but we want it on our terms. We might be active in knocking while we seek but we neglect (intentionally?) to knock on all the doors. We might be searching for God’s answers within the broader context of our dreams instead of seeking those dreams within the context of God’s will and plan for us. I have witnessed my children trying to put a square peg into a round hole. It is not pretty or very quiet. In most cases the peg and the board go flying through the air. Could it be that as we are trying to get our timing right we are trying to put our square pegged dreams into the round holes of God’s plan? If my children explode with emotion because they can’t fit the peg into the hole, what happens to me when I get God’s timing confused with my timing? Maybe God’s answers to our prayers are in the form of the question, “Is this more important to you than I am?” The answer might be harder to accept that we think. In the mean time, wait. Seek. And wait some more.