June 16, 2007

new and improved?

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry that it's been so long since I have posted anything. A lot of it had to do with our privacy filter and my inability to post through it. So I gave up until recently. But now it seems to have been fixed and I am freed to write once again. I'm working through Romans right now and I am particularly transfixed on the aspect of being released from the captivity of one master (sin) only be be placed within the captivity of another (righteousness). Read Romans 6:15-23 to find out what I'm working through. Also, our care group will be begining a "drive by" in the book of Isaiah. I know this will prove to be inspiring as well as convicting. So look for that coming down the lane near you. So, welcome back. It's been a long time. Let's grab some coffee and sit and converse about Faith, Life and Biblical Literacy. Until later...