As good citizens we stopped and after some cordial chit-chat I was asked to produce my driver’s license. It turns out the police were checking to make sure that people were driving legally.
OK, that’s nice but what does that have to do with your blog?
Well, it made me think about us Christians. How many times have we had someone come up to us and ask us about our lives? Or even more threatening, when was the last time someone came up to you to talk about visible sin in your life? Ok. Forget about the flesh and blood - What about when God has pointed out something in your life? How do you respond?
Do we respond like many other people responded to the police asking for their driver’s licenses? Do we feel like it is a waste of time? Are we in too much of a hurry to think about how were getting where we’re going? Do we even despise the intrusion? How do you respond to authority? How do you respond to God’s authority over your life?
Maybe next time we’re stopped and asked to give a reason for the direction we’re going, maybe we should think twice about our reaction. There just might be a bigger and deeper meaning behind the situation.