February 24, 2006

Skating with freakin' Celebrities

I sat down to watch a show that I have come to find pretty funny and what show comes on instead? Skating with Celebrities! What a stupid show, I can’t believe that someone actually thought (or maybe they didn’t) about teaming up ex Olympic caliber figure skaters with washed up and who really cares anyway, ex-t.v. celebrities and oh don’t forget about Bruce freakin’ Jenner. I mean what a dumb show. As you can tell I’m not a real fan of figure skating to begin with but this show has totally turned me off from any hope of trying to figure out what a sow-cow is or a triple axle whatever really is. And to add to the pile, one of the male ex-figure skaters has been caught cheating on his wife with the partner that this stupid show teamed him up with. Now there’s something for the ratings! Before you cry me a river about how the show is so great and condemn me for not even giving it a chance, I have watched two episodes that almost gave me episodes. I can’t believe the rip off attempt that this show has been employing. Can we please break away from the “American Idol” panel of judges? Can we not think of any better system of judging than trying to match personalities? If I was that Simon guy I’d be pretty ticked off that people are trying to cash in on my style. And have you seen Bruce Jenner? The guys a walking plastic surgery ad. And the people still treat him like he just won the decathlon last year! People, he won it twenty years ago! Get over it. Are you that desperate for champions that you have to hold onto the guy for this long? Give me a break. This show has done nothing to try and convince me that figure skating is hard work. What about a biography on some current skaters and what they have to go through every day.A show that would open up the inside story on all the sacrifice and dedication and pain and tears and triumphs that the sport grinds you through – from when you’re a three old learning how to skate without cutting your fingers off to the Olympic stage where you’re trying not to throw up because you’ve got the world country on your back. Oh yeah I forgot, there’s no ratings in that. I guess it isn’t a coincidence either that Entertainment Tonight had Tanya Harding on their show during the middle of this freakin’ show. What a joke. And you know what the worst part of it is? Besides the fact that they bumped a show that I like, beside the fact that they ran this show as a re-run so we could watch the gut-wrenching tension all over again, and beside the fact that this show is dumb, do you know what the really big joke is? It’s that we watch it in the first place. We just sit on our couch and suck it all in. I think I’d rather go to the dentist. Pass me the Novocain with the remote.


Unknown said...

Now that is a rant.

Heather said...

Too funny... this is quite a departure from your usual posts. I saw this show for the first time too. What a crazy concept. Had to laugh when I saw the actor from "Full House"

T said...

Wow Tim, I havn't popped by here in a while. Things sure have changed around here - I like whatcha've done with the place;) I wasn't expecting that post on your site. By the way, what show were you wanting to watch?

Krista said...

Phew... give me a second to let the smoke clear here!!! Did you see that one show, Dancing With The Stars... same deal... but more cheese, and slightly less leg...