July 24, 2008

Tell me what you think...

I finished reading "The Shack" by William P. Young. Has anyone else read it yet? Like it, love it, can do without it? Tell me what you thought. What do you think about the 'fiction theology' genre?


Heather said...

Hey Tim,

I recently finished reading it too. At first I didn't think I'd like it, but the chapter on "Wisdom" was the turning point for me. I actually think it changed the way I pray, and the way I see the Trinity. I always thought I trusted God, but the book has made me see that I have a ways to go there!! It was a really fascinating read to me, and I keep replaying parts in my mind. The message I got loud and clear was that we tend to make following Jesus more complicated than it is. Maybe that's why Christ was so fond of children....they get it.

Unknown said...

I haven't read it, but it seems to be getting high praise and credit from respected Christian's such as Eugene Peterson and John Stackhouse. I think it's being more talked about than another book I remember being urged to read - Blue Like Jazz (which I read 5 chapters of and decided that it wasn't worth finishing; it only encourages North American Christian's to be comfortable in their apathy and throw the Bible in the trash).

I will have to see about reading this however, to see what all the buzz is about. Tim - can I borrow it? My dad won't let me... he's marked his all up.

Trying to explain the Trinity has made this book a dividing point among Christian leaders. We've got strong opinions on both sides; which means it's probably a book that the enemy loves.

I find fiction theology to be intriguing; just read the Narnia Chronicles or Lord of the Rings. But bad theology makes for bad fiction. Or maybe it's just plain bad fiction. Isn't bad theology really just fiction anyway?