November 07, 2008

I'm back

Well, it only took one phone call and I'm back to the blogging world. It feels great. Some things I'm working on right now;

Caregroup study - Isaiah 44-45
Sunday School - The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43)
Renovating my Daughter's (all three of them) room.
Partially renovating our upstairs bathroom

Did anyone hear about the outcome of California's vote regarding gay marriage? They voted to completely ban it. Apparently the Mormon church had a lot to do with the mobilization of voters. They are now facing some extreme prejudice. I wonder if the Christian church in BC would be willing to take such a stand and be such a voice knowing that she would suffer for it? In our current Christian culture of 'God wants me happy and fulfilled with what I want' I would dare say that she would not, for the sake of a few. This Sunday's focus for the church is on those who are being persecuted. I'm tempted to pick something that will cause some sparks just to see what others will think and/or do.

If you haven't seen the movie 'Expelled' yet, you need to rent it and see it! Ben Stein does a masterful job revealing the darker side of science academia. How do you think the "theory" of Evolution stands up to the "theory" of Intelligent Design? Watch this movie. I think it is even worth the cost of purchasing.

Hey, maybe that's the thing that I should pick to use for my persecution experiment.


Unknown said...

Hope the renovating goes well and quickly.

Didn't hear about the gay marriage vote in California... is it bad to think that we should just step out of politics and all become evangelists? Hearts have to change.
What should the church do to exact change legally? Does public policy work in changing people? Is changing current church culture the same as changing laws? Can we be persecuted without being political? Just questioning...

We're watching "Expelled" tonight.

Can't wait for Sunday School. I wish I could just study the Bible and forget about all this other stuff I'm doing right now... oh well, I'll get through.

Heather said...

I haven't heard of "Expelled"...sounds intriguing. I was quite surprised (pleasantly so) with how the vote went in CA. It just goes to show that a small minority (ie. the gay population) can paint a very different picture of how supportive the general public is.