December 07, 2008

ABF Homework

We have just finished week six! Can't believe that it's gone this fast. We have had excellent sessions together and I have one request; Tell me what your favorite parable is. Tell me which parable you would want to know more about. Here's a list of the parable we have studied thus far;

The Wheat and the Tares
The Hidden Treasure / The Pearl of Great Price
The Workers in the Vineyard
The Wicked Tenants
The Ten Virgins

Next Week ; The Two Debtors - Luke 7:36-50
Memory Verse - Colossians 3:12-14

See you then,


ArielB said...

That's a good question, Tim. I don't think I can name a favourite, though the parable of the good Samaritan, the lost sheep/coin, and the marriage feast are up there. Hey, how about the parable of the marriage feast from Matthew; what's up with the guy who has no wedding clothes? Who told them to wear any, anyway?

Unknown said...

I love the prodical son and the lost sheep (Luke 15;1-7, 11-32, Matthew 18:10-14). Knowing that Jesus will not lose any of his chosen (for that is not the will of the Father) is such a great promise.

After our care group study in the gospel John, those parables and Jesus as the Good Shepherd go together for me (John 10:1-21).

I would like to know more about the Mustard Seed and the Leaven from Matthew 13:31-33. I've heard conflicting interpretations on this one and it would be a good discussion.